School Accountability Committee (SAC)

State and federal governments emphasize the inclusion of families in the educational accountability process. The School Accountability Committee (SAC) is a legally-constituted accountability and advisory committee of parent representatives that report to the school principal.

In general, the SAC is a representative advisory team that reviews school budgets, drives school improvements and supports parent engagement.  In accordance with BVSD policy, a SAC member from each school shall serve on, and communicate with, the District Accountability Committee (DAC).

School Accountability Committee Resources

Performance Frameworks

Growth Reports

Frequently Asked Questions

Coal Creek SAC Resources

Helpful Websites

BVSD Acronyms

CDE | SchoolView
​​​​​​Source for school & district data 

CDE | Unified Improvement Planning

CDE | School & District Accountability Committees (SACs & DACs) 
Responsibilities and associated resources