School Communication



september 2024

october 2024






(The information below is also provided within the Parent Handbook!)

School Communication



BVSD and Coal Creek will use the information you have provided through the Info Center as to how you would like to be contacted in the event of BVSD or CCE important messages. Please provide this information utilizing this link:

School Messenger

Infinite Campus Parent Portal

All BVSD parents and guardians are asked to create a Parent Portal account so that you can:  

  • View class placements

  • Access important academic information about your student(s)  -View calendars, schedules, attendance, fees, and grades (for     secondary level)  

  • Register current BVSD students for the new school year through the Annual Data Update process  

  • Enroll new students in BVSD through the Online Registration system  

  • Apply for the free and reduced price lunch program (if needed)

  • Here are the instructions for setting up a Portal:

Infinite Campus

Is School in Session? Inclement Weather?

Check the BVSD Website or check the local TV/radio stations.
If you are in the Contact Manager, BVSD will contact you according to your communication preferences that you have established through School Messenger.              


School Calendars

The CCE website thru BVSD hosts the school calendar: 

Coal Creek Website

The PTA hosts a Google Calendar which you can overlay with your personal calendar and/or copy events. It covers all school events, major activities, and PTA events (the link is also posted on our Facebook group): PTA Calendar


School Newsletter

Our monthly school newsletter provides you with communication from the principal, information regarding upcoming events, and dates of importance. The newsletter is emailed to current families on the first Friday of the month. It is also available on the Coal Creek Website


Back to School Night

Each fall, shortly after school starts, the staff hosts this night to introduce you to the teachers and Principal’s  plan for the upcoming year. Check the school website for updated dates for this event.  Parent-only event, no childcare provided.


Classroom Specific

Classroom/grade level newsletters are provided by the teacher. Grade Level and teacher websites are also located on this website.


Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Monthly Meetings

Meetings include up to date information about where our dollars are being spent and school opportunities and challenges that require parent input. 



HelpAtSchool is the software used for our all School (opt-in) Directory, Parent/Teacher Conference Sign Up and Volunteering Opportunities. 


School Directory

The student directory is available to Coal Creek families for free online at School Directory 


PTA Facebook Group/Page

Many parents participate in a private/closed Facebook Group managed by the PTA Board. This is a great place to ask questions, get help with concerns, comment on school activities, even share photos and ideas. Our fundraising events and community events are posted there as well. To join, look for “Coal Creek Elementary PTA” on Facebook, click the “Join” button, and a member of the PTA will admit you.


Parent Engagement Network (PEN)

The Parent Engagement Network (PEN) is a grassroots, parent-led 501 (c)(3) non-profit that uses a strength-based approach to engage, educate, and empower parents to promote the social- emotional and mental well being of youth and families. For more information or to see a schedule of PEN sponsored educational events, visit the PEN website at: Parent Engagement Network 



Please contact the Office at 720-561-4500.

We are happy to help!